The name Aster comes from the Greek word meaning “star” and refers to the shape of the flower head. There are many species and varieties of hybrids of this lovely low maintenance fall perennial, and they are popular as garden plants because of their attractive daisy-like appearance, range of heights and abundance of vibrant colors and blooms.
Colors range from white to, reds, to purples, to pinks and blues and all are highlighted by sunny yellow centers. Depending on their size Asters offer a wealth of possibilities in the landscape – as additions to rock gardens, wonderful borders for walkways, beautiful plantings for containers and window boxes to name but a few options.
Growing best in full sun and in well-drained soils Asters are an important mainstay in pollinator gardens as they are one of the latest-blooming nectar perennials for butterflies and bees.
When available we try to stock The Divaricatus and Stokes variety.
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