Seiryu – Acer Palmatum Lace-leaf

Seiryu – Acer Palmatum Lace-leaf

Displaying finely dissected lacy green foliage ‘Seiryu’ (meaning ‘blue-green dragon’) or Lace-leaf Japanese maple is the only dissected form of Japanese maple that has an upright habit and vase shaped form offering a  pleasing contrast when planted in the company of other, more conventional dissectum. It is very  ornamental with deeply cut and dissected leaves that  are smaller than the leaves on most other dissectum cultivars. Leaves emerge a pleasing bright green and red-tipped in spring maturing  to light medium green in summer and,  then transforming to gold with orange and red hues in the fall. Sieryu is an excellent accent and wonderful focal point for the patio area and other small spaces.

Average Height: 10 to 15 feet

Average Spread: 6 to 8 feet

Sun: Full sun to Partial Shade

Blooms: Showy

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Low

Seasonal Interest: Colorful Fall interest

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