Koto no ito – Acer palmatum
A thread Leaf Japanese Maple it has been described as the dancing monkey tree for the way the extremely narrow rich green colored lobes dance in the wind. Its narrow deeply divided strap like leaves inspired the name ‘Koto no ito’ which means harp strings. The habit of this maple is upright but rarely exceeds 6 foot. New leaves unfold crimson but soon turn green. Fall color ranges through various wonderful shades of yellow before moving towards gold and finishing blended with a touch of orange and red. ‘Koto-no-ito’ is a very enchanting tree and will certainly add an exotic feel to your garden.
Average Height: 6 to 10 feet in 10-15 years
Average Spread: 6 to 10 feet
Sun: Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water: Average
Maintenance: Low
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