Purple Ghost – Acer Palmatum Reticulated

Purple Ghost – Acer Palmatum Reticulated

A very striking densely branched upright tree branching in semi-pendulous habit that adds a blast of dynamic color and interest with its magnificent, ruffled foliage. The leaves have deep lavender and purple spring colors divided by dark maroon to black prominent reticulated veins.  Iridescent summer foliage turns green while maintaining purple undertones and fall sees the emergence of vibrant garnet-red foliage. A beautiful small tree ideal for smaller gardens, wooded areas, and courtyards. It also makes the perfect container tree for a deck or patio too, or an ideal bonsai tree.

Average Height: 15 feet

Average Spread: 8 feet

Sun: Full sun, Partial Sun

Blooms: Inconspicuous

Water: Keep soil consistently moist but not soggy.

Maintenance: Low

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