Dwarf Kuro hime – Acer Palmatum

Dwarf Kuro hime – Acer Palmatum

Introduced into the USA in 2008 the name of this maple, it can be assumed, is to assist in describing the beauty of this vigorous dwarf specimen.  “Kuro” translates as black- red, the color of the new growth, while “hime” often translates as princess. This compact tree with fine branches has a globose shape and two-toned new growth, displaying tiny light-green leaves with pink to ruby-red margins and edge in beautiful detail. Outstanding orange-red fall color is highlighted by undertones of deeper greens and purples even late into fall. ‘Kuro hime’ is ideal for small spaces in the landscape and for growing in containers.

Average Height: 6 feet

Average Spread: 6 feet

Sun: Part Shade

Maintenance: Low

Seasonal Interest: Outstanding fall color in shades of red and oranges.

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